Wednesday, September 28, 2011

21. Milk a cow.... hmmm

The 21 Milk a cow was an auto-default-fill-in thing... i believe its from Amy's bucket list lol :) So lemme say this, dear Amy if you'd like to milk a cow come to canada with me and you can milk one!
My birthday yesterday had its upsNdowns.... I really just wanted to do nothing but pamper myself and deal with people and parties later. But after getting my super awesome hair from cherilyn! (thank you cherilyn!) Gina, Meg, and mike showed up with an ice cream cake, chocolate milk, capn' crunch, and a pinata, how could i NOT let them come play with me?!!!!! We ate the cake, hit the pinata and then me and jord and austin watched (of course) AVATAR!! So the GOOD of my birthday was a bit delayed but it all worked out tin the end :) And the fun aint done yet! Tonight we're going to go see Money Ball and eat at my favorite place SMASHBURGER! YUM! Then tomorrow i'm going with meg and G with a bunch of others to a Haunted Corn Maze in West Jordan. Sounds SUPER fun!!!!!! Amy and Maddy should come with... though amy will be working... LAME SAUCE! oh! And i need to shout out to Sydney, THANK YOU FOR MY COKE SHIRT! Syd got me a Coca-cola shirt so now me and her are twiners!! i love ya syd!!!!!!That shirt (aside from my hair) is like the best present i received yesterday!!! And i got SOOO many Happy birthdays from FaceBook!
My new LONG hair!!
I know that everyone hates getting those HB comments on FaceBook cause they are thinking," You only wrote me this cause you saw it on FB...NOT A REAL FRIEND!!" This is a retarded thought! I see those "Its So-n-so's birthday today! Say happy birthday?" and most times than not, i go "Oh good for them" and then go back to playing SIMS.. (seriously) And them saying Happy birthday on FB is just the same as if you were at school and the office announces that its your birthday. So i am just grateful that the people of FB-topia took the time to stop by my profile and acknowledge that they noticed it was my birthday And that they took time away from Farmville to wish me well!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!!! And double thanks to those who Texted me AND Wrote on FB!! (Amy, Britt, Wendy) Thank you! DOUBLE-LY Awesome! I'll throw some pictures on her later of the birthday. Once my friends put them on FB... lol i rob people of their pictures! yes!!!!!!

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