Thursday, September 29, 2011


I got home after work yesterday and there were 3 people at Jord's house that I am positive were not there this morning. Jord's cousin Tyler, who has been off the mission for 2 weeks now, and with him his 2 cousins, Gretchen-fresh outta High School, and Cody-also recently off the mission. They came to Utah to find their Grown-up selves... HA HA HA!! Every Born n Bred Utah person is so immature !!! The adults are worse than their children! So i laughed!! But its cute that they are trying :)
I met Tyler when he was going on his mission. He came to Jord's house on his way to MTC. He's a nice kid :)
Cody , i call him Chad (for no reason), is a quiet boy... keeps to himself...
Gretchen looks like she's full of life ! We're going to be great friends i am sure! I'm taking her tanning today. That should be fun :)
We took them all out to SMASHBURGER yesterday and wowed their tastebuds! ..oh man... now i want SMASHBURGER again.... friggen!
Later, me and my Canadian friends (plus some Utah ones too) are going to a Haunted Corn Maze in West Jordan. Sounds way fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!!
Me and Kate in the Taber Corn Maze 2009 for my Birfday!
And speaking of CORN MAZES!! Kate Sugden is coming to Utah!! oh wait, Its Kate Fleming now. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss her so much! And we LOVE Corn Mazes! So i am going again on Saturday with her! And we're going Shopping! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will LOVE Saturday! I also have to go visit my Mother and Brother in IDAHO. They came down to spend conference with my grandparents. So Probably Saturday night me n Jord will head to Idaho. After I am done playing with KATE!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

AMY AMY A FISH A FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!

My BFF Meg put a fish braid in my hair before leaving. HOW SWEET IS THAT!! I shall, i SHALL learn how to braid a friggin fish into my hair!!


This morning i woke up Early and i had a plan:
-Get ready
-Get Jordan
-Get Utah License
-Go Tanning
-Go Get Nails Done
-Go TO Work
But we went to the DMV and they sent me home to bring back MORE documentation! And then they said i had to take a WRITTEN test! and then they scheduled me more a ROAD test in NOVEMBER!! Freakin heck! Its not like i"m from EUROPE! I'm from CANADA! Driving is basically the same!
(except i am better at it cause i'm not from utah...)
So that took up like 3 hours of my life.. then I had to go to work. But i passed the written test. Got 88% correct! (means i only got 3 questions wrong) and it only took me 15 minutes..(if that , more like 10...) only opened by book twice but that was for kicks n giggles.... i am way too smart for this state lol!
So still no Utah License.. not that i really want to make it officially that i'm basically living here... but... yeah i just need it. Makes things easier....
One day one day i will get my nails done and my skin darker! lol.. just obviously, today, utah didn't want that to happen...

21. Milk a cow.... hmmm

The 21 Milk a cow was an auto-default-fill-in thing... i believe its from Amy's bucket list lol :) So lemme say this, dear Amy if you'd like to milk a cow come to canada with me and you can milk one!
My birthday yesterday had its upsNdowns.... I really just wanted to do nothing but pamper myself and deal with people and parties later. But after getting my super awesome hair from cherilyn! (thank you cherilyn!) Gina, Meg, and mike showed up with an ice cream cake, chocolate milk, capn' crunch, and a pinata, how could i NOT let them come play with me?!!!!! We ate the cake, hit the pinata and then me and jord and austin watched (of course) AVATAR!! So the GOOD of my birthday was a bit delayed but it all worked out tin the end :) And the fun aint done yet! Tonight we're going to go see Money Ball and eat at my favorite place SMASHBURGER! YUM! Then tomorrow i'm going with meg and G with a bunch of others to a Haunted Corn Maze in West Jordan. Sounds SUPER fun!!!!!! Amy and Maddy should come with... though amy will be working... LAME SAUCE! oh! And i need to shout out to Sydney, THANK YOU FOR MY COKE SHIRT! Syd got me a Coca-cola shirt so now me and her are twiners!! i love ya syd!!!!!!That shirt (aside from my hair) is like the best present i received yesterday!!! And i got SOOO many Happy birthdays from FaceBook!
My new LONG hair!!
I know that everyone hates getting those HB comments on FaceBook cause they are thinking," You only wrote me this cause you saw it on FB...NOT A REAL FRIEND!!" This is a retarded thought! I see those "Its So-n-so's birthday today! Say happy birthday?" and most times than not, i go "Oh good for them" and then go back to playing SIMS.. (seriously) And them saying Happy birthday on FB is just the same as if you were at school and the office announces that its your birthday. So i am just grateful that the people of FB-topia took the time to stop by my profile and acknowledge that they noticed it was my birthday And that they took time away from Farmville to wish me well!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!!! And double thanks to those who Texted me AND Wrote on FB!! (Amy, Britt, Wendy) Thank you! DOUBLE-LY Awesome! I'll throw some pictures on her later of the birthday. Once my friends put them on FB... lol i rob people of their pictures! yes!!!!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

An Average Sunday Afternoon

After church, of course, we head straight to the fridge and the TV. On Sunday we feed our addiction to Avatar, the last airbender. And no, not the stupid movie they made; the cartoon from Nickelodeon. SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE MOVIE! The story line and characters actually fit together! And when they bend their elements it actually looks cool!  IF you haven't seen the cartoon, i suggest you do! Its very well done, and you can watch it with the whole family!! YE-YEAH!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Seriously Love my dog!!!

Cami at 4 months on camping trip!

Playing in the creek, 4 months

My silly puppies!! Always greeting me with their faces through the crack
Cami 1 yr 5mths, Odin 12 Weeks
Camille Wolsey Easthope-Hollingsworth
I got Cami a week after jord ran over my first golden, Ally. Ally was 6 months old :( 
Cami has such a loving spirit and it makes me melt! She is so freaking adorable!! I always look forward to seeing her! Right now it's really hard to find a place to live because i have her... But I don't care how long it takes me to find a place to live or WHO i might have to live with; i freaking love my dog! I would never give her up! :)
I love you Cami!
This was a post that was gonna happen sooner or later... cause i'm addicted to my dog.... lol

This was Ally <3

The Other Kind of Relatives

Me, Chris, Gina, Kate, Meg


Me and Risa at Grad


I love you Kate!

Besties at the Beach

Sam n G


Risa, Ray, Me

My beautiful Ris!
I'd have to say the best thing in life , for me, is my OTHER family; my friends. Megan Bennett has been my best friend since we were 3 -when I moved to Cardston from Calgary. She lived across the street from each other. Gina Primavera , who actually has had several different last names,has been my friend since we met in Senior Choir when she was in Grade 5 and Me Grade 4. Her and Meg had met in Grade 3, so it was easy for us to combine our friendships and become the indestructible 3!!!!!!!! We were the Shadow Cats, the Back Seat Midgets, just the greatest of friends. All of our parents went through a divorce. We've each had 2 Thanksgivings and 2 Christmas's. Since I moved from Calgary, the education system told me I had to repeat Kindergarten. So Meg and Gina were in a Grade above me. The friends I acquired in my own grade though I wouldn't trade for the stars! From Grade 1 -4 I didn't have constant friends.. just odds n ends. But in Grade 5 that changed, I met Kate Sugden (K8) we instantly became the greatest of friends and is who I truly treasure! We are such trouble together! Always laughing!!!! I Love her so much!
I also met Marisa Bevans! I entered into my fifth grade class and instantly heard my name from a crazy girl I never had met ;) "Sam sam your seat is here!" lol! I Love that girl! The next few years we shared many adventures from dying hair, to chasing cows, and racing on quads! She is a sweet spirit and a true friend. She'll tell you how it is and never hides the face of truth. i love her immensely! Later years me and Risa (Marisa) associated ourselves with a couple of real characters, Alix Isfeld and Rachael Anderson.And in Grade 8 were we blessed with the unique presence of Avril Lavigne, lol kidding! Chris Bunn! But she had just moved from Ontario and looked just like Avril :)We loved her all the same though! She is a real trooper! Also honest and trustworthy, and definitely a pal to laze around with. And that was our group. Our 'Herd'. We were stuck together like glue until High School... then something was forced between us.. It's a sad story indeed but.. one we can't rewrite. I still hear from Risa, Chris and very rarely Alix. Ray is kinda down a path I can't seem to follow.. doing her own thing. My life has had many twists and turns and i am sure , over time, i will share as many stories from memory that I can. But for now.. this will do :)

Family Life

Waiting for my Brother to come off the plane. The GIRLZ

The ladies of my family (Real and Step Siblings)

My mommy mocking me at my own seminary grad.. i just got my wisdom teeth out.. chipmunk sam!

This is a Miehe/Easthope girls night..

Practically the whole family. My mom and my Grandma are even there.

He finally came off the plane!
My BLOOD Family consists of: my Mom- Melanie Faye (Avery) Easthope,my Dad- Mark Randall Easthope, my Sister Aubrey Brianne (Easthope)Lanz, my sister Jillian Kiara Easthope, my Brother Thomas Randall Easthope, me, and my little Brother Lucas Mark Easthope. My home life is filled with sour and sweet memories. I remember spending a lot of time by myself outside playing. Mostly because I didn't want to be inside the war zone, aka, my house. When I was about to enter into Grade 9, my parents announced they were getting a divorce. That announcement brought along with it much pain, trials, broken hearts, and dark dreams... But we faced the ugly giant head on and have continuously been rebuilding our lives since then. My dad was 'secretly' remarried a year n a half later to Kathryn Miehe. She brought along with her 5 children of her own; now placing me in position 4 out of 10. Only 4 of her children moved in with us though. Her oldest Christopher Miehe, lived in Lethbridge with his 'interestingly traited 'father. Christopher is about a year and a half younger than I am. Then comes Stephen Miehe (pretty cool kid if I do say) , Kyrsti Miehe (loves her mom, opinionated, book smart),Meagan Miehe (rather would be reading a book, or on her Ipod more than anything, kinda a drama queen),and Jarom Miehe (time bomb.. literally, sometimes he can be sweet though). It has been an interesting experience living with these people, for they are definitely from a different side of the hood!

Some things don't change...

My crazy sister Jill !!!
My mom says I was a big cry baby, unless her or my sister Jillian were holding me. My mom also tells me that I used to speak the language of angels. I guess when i could talk no one could understand me, so my mom would say "in English please" and I'd translate it out for her. So she believes I still remembered the language of heaven for a while. I was a handful! I tortured my sisters barbies and dolls with markers and crayons, while refusing to go to kindergarten by running around my house away from my mom, underwear in hand. My imagination has always been a wild one, full of adventure and discovery. From pretending the group of trees in my back yard were members of my extended family to mixing mud and leaves for a magic potion, and then feeding it to those tree-family members. Just an all out free spirit. Though as crazy as I was, I was told to have the most sensitive heart out of the whole world! I could love anyone, forgive anyone, and find the good in everyone.
And I like to say I am still that way. I imagine the person i want to be and try to aim for that everyday. Sometimes putting myself through the mud and the dark to get there, but I am positive and hopeful every ripple in my life will reach a shoreline amongst the sky.
There is much I love, very little I hate and so much I want to experience! And those will all be shared somewhere along the way I am sure. :)