Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mind ya own DOG Business!!

So, if you haven't heard of YAHOO ANSWERS, check it out. Its basically, if you have a Yahoo email acct. you can log on to Yahoo and ask a question, answer other peoples questions, rate answers and you gain points and levels and things. Sometimes this YAHOO ANSWERS if very helpful. Most the questions you type into google, the results usually come up with someone else's answered question from Yahoo Answers. So.. like many others i Use Yahoo Answers for my dog questions when i cna't find the answer by scrolling down the Google results page. But i have come to notice, from my expeience this year and last year, that when you ask DOG PREGANANCY questions.. people just ATTACK! The "Anti Puppy Brigade" comes marching out in a judemental rythm and just beats you down!!
"Why are you having a litter?!"
"You're so irresponsible!"
"Do you want your dog to die?!"
"Have fun with your last litter..."
"Go to the vet and get an Abortion right now!"
"Why are you bringing more unwanted junk into this world?"

..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... REALLY?
Dogs get pregnant.. it happens! Just like people get pregnant! Help them out with their question! Don't attack them for having a litter!
And these ranting puppy trolls can't change anything anyways so they might as well shut it. I mean, people want puppies! Not old diseased half dead dogs from the pound.
I DO FEEL TERRIBLE that so many animals go to kill shelters, but seriously, there is another solution to fix that problem than to just STOP having puppies and Kill off dogs! Like, if NOONE breeds their dogs.. where do you think dogs ar egoing to go?!

Now i am not supporting that everyone run out and knock up your pup, there has to be restrictions.. there has to be consideration and control. Like if your dog has bad hips, or is a mutt, or does not better the breed.. don't breed it. Cause breeding something that isn't acceptable is like... incest.. too many defaults and bad blood.. things are going to go bad and we'll end up with mutant dogs that only live for 5 months...
Really what this post is about is how i hate how much people hate against the person asking for help about their dog's pregnancy.. its just sad really.. stop hating and just help!
They all just need to stop judging.. cause when a person asks a question they don't give you every detail about why they are asking or what they've done to prepare for the preganancy and research they've done. So stop it, you don't even know the person or what they've done to ready themselves for the pregnancy.
EXAMPLE: I asked a question, added in deatils really not needed just so i could avoid the hate, and BAM! they called me a BYB (backyard breeder) said i didn't care about my dog, told me to take her to the vet and spay her, told me to have fun with my last litter cause my dog was going to die, and said i was so irresponisble that people like me shouldn't even be allowed to have dogs  or animals.....
I just asked a question about my dogs temperature!
(And i think the fact that the question was about the temperature should show i love my dog because there are FEW ways to take a dogs temperature... so i bought a rectal thermometer.... and yea.. that shows love.... cause i had to put that in its 'place'.. and it wasn't pretty.. and then i had to clean it when it came.. out... yuck!)
And I should also be considered loving towards my pet, because i am ASKING QUESTIONS TO HELP MY PET! DUM IDIOTS! If i didn't like my dog, why would i care to ask?.. ridiculous..

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