Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sammy Sam went to School to get an Education

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a Career person at Provo College. I have decided i should be back in school.. (after like 2 years!) I am going to persue after a Dental Hygeinist Degree. It takes like no time at all, and then I can have a job basically anywhere and get paid!! for reals! ha, i just need more money. And i can work as a D.H. while going to school for something i actually want to do. I am also thinking of going to Hair School for 6months, and get something else under my belt as well. ALSO, get a Wedding Planner thing too. So i cna have 3 things to do while getting my FINAL career.. its a wonderful plan aint it? :) gah.. school...

Sunday, July 15, 2012


I just found a kinda very chikky tv show. Its called Make it or Break it. Its about gymnasts and for some reason i can't ge enuf of it!! Jordan hates it, probably because there is so much backstabbing in it. An extreme stereotype of girls is basically what the show is all about. And just like Pretty Little Liars, I keep watching cause I need to know what happens!!!

Birds on the Brain

I found this whilst searching plenty of Birds in Flight photos. I LOVE THIS! Maybe not the birds on the wall but the bedspread is a MUST HAVE!

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?

So lately,  I've been really debating getting a tatoo. I guess I've always kind of wanted one. Just like how I wanted a second piercing, and i got it.. but in thte wrong place so my one main earring basically covers the new hole... so I can't wear two earrings.. (I am so smart!) Anyways,  I used to want one on the inside of my forearm like Angelina Jolie (left arm), but then in Rihanna's music video i saw here's on the back of her shoulder and I wanted that!
But instead of  stars I decided on flying birds:) But then.. Megan Fox's rib tattoo caught my eye.
So.. here it goes, Birds on the ribs! I found these images of birds flying that i like.. I just can't decide.. I don't want it to be too elaborate cause as we get old tattoos fade, and lose their beauty. So its gotta be simple.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


After a long week of waiting and rectal temperature taking the puppies finally came! I was at work for an hour n a half when Sydney called me at work saying i better come home.. some green stuff just came ou tof the dog... lol!
I never ran so fast! Made it home in 2 minutes! And was nly there for 15 seconds before Cami dropped a puppy!!
So 11 hours later, we have 12 beautiful puppies! Just like last time! 6 boys 6 girls! An a whole variety of beautiful shades of red golden retrievers! Some people have already reserved some puppies! Doing well so far. :) and they are so cute!! I don't feel as attached to this litter as i did last years but last year it was a whole new experience. this time, Cami and me are both more eductaed on the raising puppies process. We're prepared. Even took cami to the vet 2 days after puppies were born cause Cami had a fever. And we got her Calcium supplements and anti-biotics! No Mastitits this time!! no way!! Nipped that in the butt!!! So, if anyone is lookin for a gorgeous puppy and lfie long friend, let me know!!! They're so adorable!

Here today, gone..... today?

I went up to Canada end of April to end joy family time, my friend's my niece's baptism and my family's theatrical production. I got to see my grandparents from Idaho! My sisters -seperated from -husband -who isn't religious- came to Tristyn's baptism:) I went to lunch with my Best Friend Kate and then watched a scary scary movie with her n her hubbie! (Dats how we roll!) Cut my sister's hair. When to FHE with my brother. Just had a great time! then when it was time to leave my stepmom drove me over the border. Though we got stopped for a while cause i had left my American paperwork in my car so they kept us there for a half hour and then sent a border officer to my car (3minutes away at a family friend's house in Montana) to retriever the paperwork and once they had it they let me go... lame faces... but, anyways so i get home.. it is very late. I go to go to bed and i get in a fight with my boyfriend,,, and he states he doesn't want to be with me anymore. FINE.. what ever.... i should have gone back to canada forever ago!... but then next morning, i gotta go to work. And Traffic was stupid! So i texted my boss said i was going to be late, i was only late by 10 minutes. And i start working i just jump in and go. As as I am going i stop by the back office and say hello to the boss i hate. He tells me he needs to speak with me in a minute so i go up front and wait. And talk to some of my friends then when he comes out, he sits me down with another one of our coworkers and tell sme, that he's letting me go. No real reason given but i just accepted the news and said," I was quitting anyways" and i shouldhave told him why i was wanting to quit.. it was because he was a JAK-IN-DA-CRAP-BOX!!!!
So, then he escorted me to my car... and i left Blue Lemon.
Then days later I get a meeting with the Director of Operations for Blue Lemon. We told me changes were beng made and he'd love to bring me back but just to be patient.
Next day, i got an email.. My Old Boss had been fired. So my theory. He fired me, to try to save his job. He got rid of the onyl person who could replace him.... Nice..

So now i worl at a Security System Place as a scheduler.... I make 1000.00 less a month. My car was almost taken away but then i got it figured out... my boyfriend decided to keep me but we still fight... its all just a wonderful life... But thats the up date right now.
OH and Tim the manager from the gym quit and the new guy is kinda strange. He's got a lot of ideas and he'll probably do really well at the gym.. I just want them to give me a raise already!

Mind ya own DOG Business!!

So, if you haven't heard of YAHOO ANSWERS, check it out. Its basically, if you have a Yahoo email acct. you can log on to Yahoo and ask a question, answer other peoples questions, rate answers and you gain points and levels and things. Sometimes this YAHOO ANSWERS if very helpful. Most the questions you type into google, the results usually come up with someone else's answered question from Yahoo Answers. So.. like many others i Use Yahoo Answers for my dog questions when i cna't find the answer by scrolling down the Google results page. But i have come to notice, from my expeience this year and last year, that when you ask DOG PREGANANCY questions.. people just ATTACK! The "Anti Puppy Brigade" comes marching out in a judemental rythm and just beats you down!!
"Why are you having a litter?!"
"You're so irresponsible!"
"Do you want your dog to die?!"
"Have fun with your last litter..."
"Go to the vet and get an Abortion right now!"
"Why are you bringing more unwanted junk into this world?"

..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... REALLY?
Dogs get pregnant.. it happens! Just like people get pregnant! Help them out with their question! Don't attack them for having a litter!
And these ranting puppy trolls can't change anything anyways so they might as well shut it. I mean, people want puppies! Not old diseased half dead dogs from the pound.
I DO FEEL TERRIBLE that so many animals go to kill shelters, but seriously, there is another solution to fix that problem than to just STOP having puppies and Kill off dogs! Like, if NOONE breeds their dogs.. where do you think dogs ar egoing to go?!

Now i am not supporting that everyone run out and knock up your pup, there has to be restrictions.. there has to be consideration and control. Like if your dog has bad hips, or is a mutt, or does not better the breed.. don't breed it. Cause breeding something that isn't acceptable is like... incest.. too many defaults and bad blood.. things are going to go bad and we'll end up with mutant dogs that only live for 5 months...
Really what this post is about is how i hate how much people hate against the person asking for help about their dog's pregnancy.. its just sad really.. stop hating and just help!
They all just need to stop judging.. cause when a person asks a question they don't give you every detail about why they are asking or what they've done to prepare for the preganancy and research they've done. So stop it, you don't even know the person or what they've done to ready themselves for the pregnancy.
EXAMPLE: I asked a question, added in deatils really not needed just so i could avoid the hate, and BAM! they called me a BYB (backyard breeder) said i didn't care about my dog, told me to take her to the vet and spay her, told me to have fun with my last litter cause my dog was going to die, and said i was so irresponisble that people like me shouldn't even be allowed to have dogs  or animals.....
I just asked a question about my dogs temperature!
(And i think the fact that the question was about the temperature should show i love my dog because there are FEW ways to take a dogs temperature... so i bought a rectal thermometer.... and yea.. that shows love.... cause i had to put that in its 'place'.. and it wasn't pretty.. and then i had to clean it when it came.. out... yuck!)
And I should also be considered loving towards my pet, because i am ASKING QUESTIONS TO HELP MY PET! DUM IDIOTS! If i didn't like my dog, why would i care to ask?.. ridiculous..