Friday, September 21, 2012

Get Me To The Church On Time!!!

This week I am going to be attending 2 weddings. The first one was yesterday for my friends Colten and Lexi. Next one is tomorrow, for Zach and Heather.
And I am kind of anxious for tomorrow's because after yesterdays I am having WEDDING FEVER!! I am just wanting to dive back into planning my future-someday wedding banazah!!!!
See I said DIVE BACK INTO because I already have the basics of my wedding planned out... but there is always more that you can plan.. and BUY!
How I see it, if you are prepared you can start to materialize your plan in advance... save some time and money and create less stress for when the actual time comes. If I already have the Sparklers and I already have the money saved up for my Wedding shoes (That cost 1200.00)  then no worries! BAM!!! DONE! Check that off the check-o-list!!!!
I love check lists! :)
I'm probably going to be goin over my 'Wedding Plans' tonight... for kicks 'n giggles...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A YouTube Channel

My brother brought up the idea a couple months ago that I should start a YOUTUBE CHANNEL. I guess he was thinking,"Now, if I could watch anyone's crazy adventures... whose would I enjoy watching most?"
... and somehow the answer turned out to be me... go figure.

So, since then. I have REALLY been debating it. It's not like it is a life altering decision but starting a YouTube Channel, or excuse me, starting a SUCCESSFUL, WATCHED-BY-EVERYONE YouTube Channel takes ideas, and dedication...
Not sure if I really have any ideas.
Not sure if I really have any time.

Then as I was thinking about it more, I thought.."hmm... maybe to start off I could jsut use things from my Blog. Or ideas that I was going to Blog about and instead YOUTUBE 'em."
"and I'll be moving back home soon.. and pretty sure my little brother would love to help me out in managing the channel.. so that would save me some time..."

So this whole thing might be something I'd like to throw together. Mostly for kicks and giggles. Because, realistically, almost everyone and their pet zebra try to get the fame of YouTube with no luck.. hardly even a pray!

I guess I just need FABULOUS ATTENTION GRABBING IDEAS AND TOPICS. If i can get me some of those who knows where this could all go?!

Now... where do i find those said Ideas and Topics?
Fairy Godmothers?
Santa Claus?

meh.. I'll figure it out.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

10 Things TUESDAY

Okay! Welcome to the First EVER-

Lets begin! PREPARE to be amazed!

1: I was kicked in the leg by a horse one night when me and 2 of my friends, snuck onto a rancher's land and tried to ride the horse bareback. It hurt...

2: I hate hate  HATE drinking water... it is tasetless!
(And that somehow makes it very gross to drink...)

3: I feel completely useless unless I have 2 jobs of  employment, at a time.

4: I can always taste it when theres a tomato on my burger or sandwich... I can't block it out. The taste is terrible!

5: In Grade 7, my english class had a Spelling Bee.
 And I won :)
There wasn't a trophy or anything and it was just for the kids in my class... but I won!

6: My mother has Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, and very Pale Skin... I ask her often if I am ACTUALLY her child... (Are You My Mother by DR. Seus I believe is based on a true story)

7: I have always been fascinated with the english language and the art of writing.

8: I would rather wear rings on my toes than on my fingers.

9: The next instrument I aspire to play is the Violin.

10: I would rather live further NORTH than further SOUTH. (Almost my entire closet is sweaters...)

Don't you feel all warm 'n fuzzy now?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Goals and Buckets.. Aint No Sport!

Currently, I have been rewriting my BUCKET LIST.
I decided that I should have at least 100 things that I would WANT to accomplish before my life ends. And you'd be amazed at how fast you can think up 100 things... cause... 100 is a big number..
(It may not be huge, but, ya know, it is large enough to keep me from buying many lovely items !!)
Heck! I can barely think of 10 candybars! >>>

"One day I shall conquer that game... then we'll see who is laughing: Me? or the fella with the finger pokin' me in the forehead!..."

So, as to not fill up my Top 100 Life Adventures too quickly, I decided not to put things on the list that are GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAYS.

okay.. maybe not Atlantis...

And thats when I realized... the T.T.H.A.'s (Things That Happen Anyways) depend on TIMING!


Where as Bucket List Items depend on drive and ambition! They are things that could possibly
NEVER happen unless you make the effort FOR them to happen.
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Where do  the T.T.H.A.'s or BUCKET LIST items fit into the GOALS category?"

And that's just where I have to say... GOALS are the mixing pot of the two. Goal Lists are kind of.. mental timelines: WHEN you THINK you will be able to cross off something from either of the lists.
So, that is my inspirational thought of the day.

We shouldn't be wasting so much time worrying about things that, really do, JUST HAPPEN !!

We should concentrate more on the things that require us to put ourselves out there, and actaully EXPERIENCE life, rather than waiting and worrying about the things that Just .... MEH! You get the picture ;)