Thursday, August 23, 2012


So earlier this summer i sent out a MASS TEXT (those things are so handy! but almost annoying to receive) trying to reel in excitement for an ALL girls camping trip. I got a lot of replys back and then it didn't get scheduled so the idea faded. Until I spoke with one of my friends, STEPHANIE THE GINGER, and we decided we were going to do it. But when we finally planned it only me and Steph are the ones who can go. So i'm packing up my wolf dog and heading out with Steph tomorrow! My friend AMY might be meeting us there later.. but THERE is the big question.. I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE TO GO CAMPING! Since i am not a UTAH-ORIGINAL , and Utah also has a MILLION campsite I have NO CLUE WHERE TO GO!
And all the places i think i would like to go are so far away! 4hours! Which to me would be no big deal but Steph gets off work tomorrow at 4pm.... so we wouldn't get there till probably 9pm, have to set up camp in the dark and then.. sleep? Not much of a first day.....
So I need something maybe just an hour away... SO i'm going to wrap up this blog and hit the GOOGLE! Wish Me Luck!

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